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  • Writer's pictureColeen Wiratma

Major Travel List

Updated: Apr 6, 2018

Have you ever tried listing the places you want to visit and just found good reasons why you want to go there? I did! I come up with top 4 major travel destinations on my list and the reason behind why I find these places worthy of my time and money.

I delight in the thought of how beautiful God's creations are! You too? Great! If we come to think of it, there are so many wonders in this world yet most of the times when we have them constantly before our eyes, we take them for granted. We look but we really don't see. The Creator has blessed us with His beautiful creations to witness their beauty. These creations do not exist for magazine purposes only. They exist because it is for us to experience and feel the ambiance of every places we visit. Let us have the urge to see them for once in our lives because we have to take a look at each of them with our very own eyes so we could truly appreciate them.

In my case, I am a very adventurous person! I love to travel and study the history behind every places. I also could be very random at all times. And so I listed the top 4 places I would love to visit in the years to come.


There are 3 places that I would like to visit in France!

Just like any other woman out there, I also want to visit the ever prestigious iron lattice tower or better known as the Eiffel Tower because aside from the fact that it is the global cultural icon in France and the tallest structure in Paris, it is also the most-visited paid monument in the world and the most recognizable structure. Amazing, isn't it?

For the love of art, I would go to the most visited museum in the world which is the Louvre Museum located in heart of Paris. Surely the antiquities, sculptures and paintings are all waiting for my arrival!

Lastly, I feel like the Pont des Arts is calling my name! It is the Parisian pedestrian bridge that links Louvre to south bank of the river. It is very special for the loved up visitors because it's been a tradition that they would mark their initials on a padlock and hook it in the bridge railings to make the love stronger.


Who would say no to Santorini? No one. Because male or female I know loves to be there! Santorini is what remains after an enormous volcanic eruption that destroyed the earliest settlements on a formerly single island. I have been imagining the entire place if Thera eruption didn't happen. The place might have been more beautiful!


Everybody would be very excited to visit the smallest Asian country and indulge in its refreshing water bodies! No other than Maldives!


Oh, sakura! Above all else, sakura is what I want the most to witness in Japan. Cherry blossom I so love!

Isn't it exciting to be in those places and find more reasons to love them? I just can't wait! Sometimes I procrastinate travelling to places that I know would have a great impact in my life. Makes you wonder, right? I procrastinate going to some places because in my own perspective, all the things that I would experience will be much memorable if it is shared -- shared with someone I love to be with. In other words, it is more happier to go around the world with a travel buddy!

How about you? What's your major travel list?

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